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Price Bracket Guide

Sheng Gut's Price Categories


The price brackets below only apply to this blog.

The only purpose of this post is to establish a set of standardized categories--again: specific to this blog!--so that each review can be tagged, organized, and interpreted in the proper context. This way, daily drinkers aren't being compared to weekend treats, and weekend treats aren't being compared to rare teas intended for special occasions, etc.

I am well-aware that THIS SYSTEM IS FAR FROM PERFECT, and perhaps its biggest flaw is that an increase/decrease of $0.10USD/g can easily move you into a higher/lower tier of tea, but still...we press on.

I really can't stress enough that my main goal is to standardize this blog so that when I tag each post with keywords like "daily drinker" and "low-budget"/"high-budget"--the tags actually mean something.

Okay...I've done all the disclaming that I can do*...

Daily Drinkers: $0.01USD - $0.25USD

-Low-Budget: $0.01USD - $0.12USD

-High-Budget: $0.13USD - $0.25USD

Weekend Treats: $0.26US - $50USD

-Low-Budget: $0.26USD - $0.37USD

-High-Budget: $0.38USD - $0.50USD

Special Occasions: $0.51USD and above.


*And you know what the funny thing is? Even after this disclaimer fully admitting that these categories are wildly imperfect and are mainly a formality intended to establish a sense of context and continuity to the reviews posted on this blog, I just know some asshole is still going to send me a strongly-worded nose-up-his/her-own-ass email about how, like, excuse me?** $0.25USD/g is totally not a daily drinker. I consider daily drinkers to be anything under, like--I don't know--maybe $0.15USD/g tops, and that's pushing it. I mean, what...on average I drink about 10grams/day? And at $0.25USD/g you're saying that I'd spend $912.50USD/year if I only drank...blah, blah, blah, etc.

**Are you joking, bro? $0.25USD? Yo, check it out: my daily drinkers start at a bare minimum of $0.75USD/gram. If it's under $0.50USD/g, then I don't even consider it tea. Na'mean, dog? Like for that price all you're getting is some twigs and grass and shit. Like you come to my crib? You see my pumidor? It's straight diamonds, my dude. I got LBZ for days just chillin', getting old as fuck haaaaaaaaaa. Seriously, come on over. We'll kick it. I'll call up my boy Lil' Eskimo and session some of that Legal Tea. What's that? You ain't never heard the term Legal Tea before? That's because I just fuckin' coined it. Legal Tea's that good-good at least 18-years-old. Haaaaaaaaa! My dude, what can I say? I like my tea like I...blah, blah, blah, etc.

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